University of Michigan- Ann Arbor:
PhD Students: Yuzhou Mao, Chinmaya Kausik, University of Michigan
REU Student: Zhongqi Ma with the project Incorporating Domain Knowledge in Neural Network
Log(M) Students: Fall 2021: Tianyi Cheng, Matthew Nomura, Chang Wang; Fall 2022: Cruise Song, Elham Islam, Pranjal Sharma, Yurong Chen: University of Michigan
Yihan Sun: He is applying for graduate applications now.
Duy Pham: PhD scholarship at University of California -LA.
Jennie Nguyen: She received the PhD scholarship in Data Science at the University of Texas, Arlington.
Huy Dinh: He received the PhD scholarship in Data Science at the University of Colorado, Denver.
Thang Duc Nguyen: He received the Master scholarship at New Mexico State University.
Thang Tran: He is applying for a graduate scholarship in the US.
Tung Thanh: PhD scholarship at UBC, Canada.