
MATH 471



Lec 1: Finite Precision Arithmetic

Pdf version of lecture part I can be downloaded here. (Links to an external site.)

Handwriting lecture note part I can be downloaded here.

Recording available via this link.

A demo Matlab code for calculating quadratic roots can be found below.


Homework 1 (Please organize all your solution files (handwritten/typed solution and codes) into one zip file)

Lec 2: Truncation Error for Approximating Derivatives

Pdf for lecture can be downloaded here (continue Lecture 1 page 3-4) (Links to an external site.)

The Matlab demo used in class can be found below.

derivative_fd.m (Links to an external site.)

forward_difference.m (Links to an external site.)

Lec 3: Root Finding Part I — Bisection 

Pdf of Handwriting Lecture 3 and Matlab code can be downloaded in Lecture 2 as I combined these 2 lectures on Thursday (July 30th) already.

Codes (Links to an external site.)

Recording is in lecture 2.

Lec 4: Root Finding Part II — Fixed-point Iterations

Pdf of the lecture can be downloaded here (see page 2,3). (Links to an external site.)

Pdf of the handwriting lecture can be downloaded here. (Links to an external site.)

Codes used for the fixed point iteration demo can be downloaded here. (Links to an external site.)

Codes used for root finding fixed point (Links to an external site.)


Lec 5: Root Finding Part III — Newton’s Method and More

Pdf of the hand writing lecture can be downloaded here. (Links to an external site.)  Please see the last 2 pages as I combined lecture 4 and lecture 5 here (July 5). 

Codes used for the Newton’s method can be downloaded here  (Links to an external site.) 

Codes used for root finding Newtons 2 (Links to an external site.)

Codes used for Newton’s method for solving a nonlinear system (Links to an external site.)

Recording (Links to an external site.)

Lec 6: System of Linear Equations Part I — Linear Algebra 

Pdf of the lecture can be downloaded here after lecture (Links to an external site.)

 (Links to an external site.)Handwriting note (Links to an external site.)


Lec 7: System of Linear Equations Part II — Gaussian Elimination

Pdf of the handwriting can be downloaded here (Links to an external site.) 


Lec 8: Review of Matrix Norms, Error, Residue, Condition Number, Stability, LU factorization

Pdf of the jamboard can be downloaded here (Links to an external site.) after lecture 

Recording July 14

Lec 9 Midterm Review

The problem set can be downloaded here (Links to an external site.) and the hand-written solutions can be downloaded here (Links to an external site.).

Lec 10: One-dimensional BVP and Two-dimensional BVP

The Matlab codes used in lecture can be downloaded here (Links to an external site.).

Pdf lecture note: Page 14+15+16 here (Links to an external site.).

Additional 2point BVP code (Links to an external site.)

Additional BVP on square

Lec 11: Iterative Mehods – Jacobi/ Gauss-Seidal/ SOR 

Page 17-18 here (Links to an external site.).

Lec 12: Eigenvalue Problem

Lecture note (Links to an external site.)

Codes for Matlab demo used in lecture can be downloaded here: Demo code on Wed

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