Honors & Awards

2021- 2022

  • AMS Simons Travel Grant ($5,000).
  • Early-career AMS-NSF-Simons-ICM Travel Grant ($3,500).
  • Travel Award from the University of Michigan

2020- 2021

  • Thomas C. Rumble University Graduate Fellowship, Wayne State University: two graduate students receive this award per academic year.
  • AMS Graduate Student Travel Grants.
  • SIAM Student Travel Award ($2,500).

2019- 2020

  • Paul Catlin, Ph.D. Endowed Memorial Scholarship Award, In Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in the Ph.D. Program, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, 2019- 2020.
  • SIAM Student Travel Award to attend The Second Joint SIAM/CAIMS Annual Meeting (AN20), July 6-10, 2020, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Nominated (by Department of Mathematics) for the 2020 Garrett T. Heberlein Endowed Award for Excellence in Teaching for Graduate Students, Wayne State University.
  • Travel Award for the East Coast Optimization Meeting 2020.
  • Travel Award by National Science Foundation, Grant No. DMS-1512846: Second-Order Variational Analysis and Its Applications, September 1, 2015-February 29, 2020.
  • Travel Award by REDES grant number REDI170200 for School and Workshop Control of State-Constrained Dynamical Systems, Chile.
  • Graduate Student Professional Travel Awards, Wayne State University.

2018- 2019

  • The M.F. Janowitz Scholarship, In Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in the Ph.D. Program, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, 2018- 2019.
  • The Paul Weiss Award in Recognition for Outstanding Achievement in the Masters Program, Wayne State University.
  • Travel Award by International Conference on Continuous Optimization 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • SIAM Student Travel Award by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) to attend the 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019), July 15-19, 2019 in Valencia, Spain ($2500). Funding Competitive: Yes.
  • SIAM Student Travel Award by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to attend the 2019 SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications in China. Funding Competitive: Yes.
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University. 
  • Travel Award by MCAIM and SIAM for the 2019 SIAM Great Lakes Section Meeting.
  • Graduate Student Professional Travel Awards, Wayne State University.
  • M.A. in Mathematical Statistics (Fall 2018).

2017- 2018

  • The Maurice J. Zelonka Endowed Scholarship, In Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in the Ph.D. Program, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, 2017- 2018.
  • The Paul Catlin Endowed Mathematics Scholarship, In Recognition of Outstanding Achievement in the Ph.D. Program, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, 2017- 2018.
  • Travel Award, National Science Foundation (NSF) DMS Award 1743826. Funding Competitive: Yes. 
  • Travel Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Grant No. 15RT0462. Funding Competitive: Yes.
  • Graduate Student Professional Travel Awards, Wayne State University.
  • Second Place Prize (Poster), Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Wayne State University. 
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, USA.

2016- 2017

  • Graduate Student Professional Travel Awards, Wayne State University
  • Travel support, The Seventh Ohio River Analysis Meeting, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 25-26, 2017.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, USA.

2011- 2015

  • Award for excellent mathematical students, National Program for the Development of Mathematics by Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) in 2014-2015.
  • Award of ranking the 1st of  Department of mathematics, Quy Nhon University, Vietnam.
  • Government’s Scholarships for outstanding undergraduate student academic years: 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015.
  • Certificate completion of student’s scientific research project at University level Academic year 2013-2014, project name: “Some problems of Non-commutative Positive Representation Theorems”.
  • Certificate for the 2013 National Mathematical Olympiad in Algebra for undergraduate students held in Duy Tan University, Vietnam.
  • Top 5 excellent students at National Summer School of Mathematics for Young Students, held by Institute of Mathematics-Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) in 2013 and 2014.
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